Roxi, STAR #1905


Roxi, STAR #1905

Roxi caught the eye of Curtis and will head home with him – getting all the attention as the only dog and sharing the home with cats.  Roxi went from a stray eating trash at a construction site to STAR and now off to a loving home and wonderful life.  Thank you, Leslie for finding and fostering this sweet girl.  Thank you, Beth for the home visit.















Roxi is a small 30 lb. one year old Red Tri female (stray found in Austin, no owner stepped forward). STAR was able to give her TLC, proper vetting, spay, and she’s ready to find her new home.  Here’s what her foster mom says about her:

  1. Roxi adjusted well into my home and after a few times of me taking her outside on the leash to go potty in the backyard, she knew that was where she was supposed to go. I only had 1 accident in the house and that was before she learned within 3 days how to use the dog door to go to the backyard.
  2. Roxi adjusted very well into my home of 2 other Aussies within the first day. Fortunately, I have very easy-going pups that love having visitors. She especially loves to play and interact with my 55 lb. red merle Aussie Merlin and they are exceptionally good together to the point of exhaustion. My other Aussie, Bree, is more of a supervisor, and Roxi has learned her boundaries with Bree and respects that she is older and not into playing as much. Roxi loves her toys and chew bones and is not protective around them with humans or dogs.
  3. I do not have cats, although the people that originally found Roxi had a cat and they said that she looked at the cat and gave a few barks and walked away. I have taken her to my Longhorn ranch, and she is not reactive to the cows. I brought her on leash into a calf pen with 4 calves to go shut another gate to see her temperament and she just ignored them and in fact with one was curious of Roxi, it startled her a little (no bark) and then we exited the pen. As I had ranch chores, I have brought her on leash to observe from outside the gate and she is very calm when the calves (who are halter trained for showing) come up to the fence to see her.
  4. Roxi has been around children as young as 3 and loves to snuggle and get attention from all. The previous temporary foster’s children named her Roxi, and they slept with her in their beds. As a pup, she can be a little mouthy, but no intentional biting or scratching. We are working on not jumping up on people (although she does it rather gently) and is learning “off”.
  5. All pups get fed at same time and Roxi is fed in the kitchen while the other 2 are just on the other side of the peninsula. (Mostly for space purposes). She is a fast eater, but no regurgitation, and is responsive to recall while the others finish. She has allowed me to pet her while she is eating and does not growl or attack when the bowl is moved by my foot. I have not attempted to take the bowl by hand while she is eating.
  6. Roxi loves to play in the backyard, does not pace the fence and minimal barking when pups are walking on the other side (I live on a corner, so part of the yard has sidewalk on other side of the fence).
  7. Roxi sleeps well in her crate at night and when I need to leave the house to run errands. When I’m working in my office, all 3 pups are in with me and they all have their space on the floor. Roxi likes to be with her person or pup, and I feel that would be the ideal home situation for her. She has a small stuffed toy and a cow hoof to chew on in her crate, and likes the hoof, but has not destroyed the toy. She also likes rubber Kong toys.
  8. Roxi is allowed on furniture when invited, but I have not observed her on the couch without me on it.
  9. Roxi shows some independence as she likes to go outside and sit on the back porch. Not necessarily a guarding position but just like to sniff about. Otherwise, she will find me to check in or lay down and chill.
  10. Roxi likes to go on walks. We’re working on sit / stay at corners. She is not reactive to dogs, cats or squirrels we see on the walk, although she will get excited if another dog is reactive.


If you are interested in learning more about Roxie or any other available or coming soon dogs – step 1 is to complete an adoption application.







Roxy is a small 30 lb. one year old Red Tri female found eating trash at a construction site in Austin. If this is your dog, please contact STAR and be prepared to show us photos and vet records and be willing to pay our expenses. This sweet girl will be vetted and evaluated by her foster home in Austin and should be available for adoption around the middle of May.

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