Rosco Red, STAR #1957


Rosco Red, STAR #1957

Rosco was adopted by STAR alumni, Kathy (Cooper #771, ’09) – and clearly, both are happy with this perfect match. He will be an only dog who gets all the attention which is good for this boy who was referred to as a “big personality in a small package!” by his foster mom, Geneta (thank you so much for a great foster job!).











Rosco is a Red Tri Male, approximately 3 years old and 30lbs. This handsome red boy is a “big personality in a small package!” He loves attention and can be very persistent in getting attention.  He will nudge, bump, or crawl under your hand for pets. He likes to get up next to you on couch or chair and press himself against you as hard and tight as he can, so you are less inclined to move him.

Rosco loves toys and thinks his job every day is to see how many toys he can get out of the toy box and how many places he can put them.  He has not learned to put them back so that means exercise for you!

Mr. Smarty Pants is house trained and when asked “who wants to go outside?” he heads to the door and barks to go out. Or if asked about going for a walk, he heads to the gate and sits patiently while waiting for his leash.  He’s very good on walks.

Rosco gets along with the other dogs in the home and enjoys running and playing with them. He did encounter one intact dog and he was not a fan.

He loves treats and is very gentle taking them from you. I have seen no resource guarding from him.  He is good to go in crate on command with little to no barking in crate with minimal barking that quiets down quickly. He’s a good car rider. Loves his doggy bed and has been known to steal a sock or shoe but only takes them to his bed to cuddle with.  (No chewing on them.)

He loves everyone who walks thru the door, never meeting a stranger.  He will stand up and check what’s on the counter, but good that he’s too small to reach anything not near the edges. He follows you from room to room wanting to be involved in everything you are doing.  He has good recall.

We believe Roscoe would do great in a home where he gets to be the only pet – at least for a while. Or, with other easy-going dogs. He’s not been tested with cats or younger children – but we don’t see any reason for him to have a problem – but slow introductions would be key.

To learn more about Rosco and possibly meet him, you must first fill out an application which can be found on our website under “Adopt”.  We will review and give you a call.  Please note that Rosco has a few applications in for already.






Rosco is a red tri male.. 3 years old and approx. 30 lbs.  He is from the same home as Rip.. We will get him to the vet for all of his needs.. His foster home will be in Tomball.. Depending on his heartworm test, he should be available after the first of the year..

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