Gemma, STAR #1911


Gemma, STAR #1911

Gemma came to STAR from the shelter in Montgomery County and now smiles all around as she’s now home with the Miller family, getting all their attention! This exuberant, sassy girl will bring abundant joy to their lives and fill a hole since they lost their rescue collies, Lila and Brando earlier this year. Thank you, Leo and Victoria (and Remi and Loki) for giving this girl a wonderful foster home to learn from and thrive in these past few months. Thanks to Don on transport and Sheila for the home visit.
Gemma is a sweet girl, almost 2-years-old who came to STAR from the Montgomery County Animal Shelter. She has been spayed, is heartworm negative, up to date on all shots and housebroken.
From her foster dad:
This good girl, who also responds to Gem Gem and Sweet Pea will be your shadow. She always loves to be close to you no matter where you are. Her mornings and early evenings tend to be active and involve food (health appetite that supports her small frame!). Mid-day, afternoon, and late evening tend to involve serious napping, often upside down and snoring softly! She sleeps all night, outside her crate with no issues—she would sleep on your bed, if allowed.
She is housebroken, will ring “Christmas bells” on the door and/or whine to be let out; tends to her business quickly and swiftly returns to the house. She has recently started a soft “woof” asking to be let back into the house.
She has been exposed to ALL manner of experiences with two Aussie siblings. She goes on walks, has been on several camping trips and loves hanging out playing in the home and yard.
She can be reactive to other dogs, but also protective by pulling you or her siblings away from other dogs. She is non-reactive to the vacuum, Roomba mop and vacuum, fireworks, thunder, cars, and golf carts.
She is treat-motivated, so we have been very successful with the basics (No, Sit, Stay, Free, and Load Up). We continue to work with her leash manners which vary from wonderful to somewhat lacking and on exiting doors. She IS smart, but can be stubborn at times, so we often just “wait her out” until she sits and settles.
When I work in my office, she is by my side. When I sit on the couch, she will be by my side, either on the couch or on the floor with her head laying on my foot. When I am driving, she will sit patiently in the back seat OR when her dog sibling male relinquishes the front seat, she will assume the co-pilot position. When I am working in the kitchen, she will remain just out of the way, on command/request (“Stay OUT of the kitchen.”)
We estimate her to be 16-18 months old, so there is still some teething in progress. She still has a number of puppy tendencies, chewing on (more than her fair share of) toys, bones, and ropes, but does NOT chew shoes or furniture. She can be jealous, wanting more than her fair share of attention, but this is diminishing with each passing week. Separation anxiety can result in some serious vocalization for a brief period of time. She CAN entertain you chasing her tail, then NOT knowing what to do with it when she catches it! Her entire body and tail wiggle like a WORM when she is happy to see you. She has expressive eyebrows, can vocalize, “Love me, not Remington or Loki,” and “It’s CHOW time” amongst others.
This is dog with ALL GOOD “bones,” some of which will merit some improvement (“adjustment”), but that over time, I believe will develop into a devoted personal companion with protective tendencies, perhaps even some service functionality.
She will fare best in a household that can accommodate her need to move about and play at some times throughout the day AND collapse for serious napping and cuddling at other times. She has learned to live with two alpha Aussie males but would likely do best as either an only dog or with submissive (male) sibling. She has not been tested directly with children but would be most likely to succeed with older littles (10+); she is untested with cats, has reacted when she sees one outside, but loses interest as soon as the cat moves away.
To learn more, please complete an adoption application. Gemma is being fostered in Corpus Christi.








Fully vetted Black Tri female from the Montgomery County shelter. (thank you !!!) Gemma is a about 1.5 years old and weighs about 40 lbs. She is being evaluated by her foster home in Corpus Christi. Gemma should be available for adoption in early June.

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