Aspen II, STAR # 1785


Aspen II, STAR # 1785

Aspen has been adopted by the Foster family of Leander.. She totally loves her new human siblings and will have a wonderful life.. Thanks to Kim for the home visit and great job Mary with your first foster dog.. !!!





Aspen is a blue merle female, approximately 1 year old and 35 lbs.

Hi there! Aspen 2 reporting in!

I am super curious about everything. I have learned so much in the month that I have lived with my foster family. I am potty trained and am very good about letting my people know when I need to go outside. I sleep quietly in my crate at night, but when my foster parents let me out in the morning, I do the world’s best Chewbacca imitation! I spin around in circles and groan with happiness because a new day has started, and I get to be with my people! My foster mom says I am a Velcro dog. I just want to be with my people and see what fun we will have together.

I get along very well with the other dog in the house. I don’t try to boss the other girl around and am happy for her to be the lead dog. I never guard my food or toys, and never try to steal her food.

I am full of puppy energy, but I have discovered that I have an off switch! Who knew?? I can happily lie down quietly next to my foster mom while she works.

I love to play fetch with balls and frisbees. My foster mom says I have “drive.” All I know is I can play literally forever lol! I’m getting really good at jumping and catching frisbees. Bad weather doesn’t bother me at all – rain, thunder, none of that matters to me. I would play fetch in a thunderstorm if my foster mom would let me.

My superpower is that I can melt! Tummy rubs and ear rubs cause me to become a dog puddle on the floor. I have learned the art of snuggling with my foster parents and love to lie quietly on the couch and soak up all the pets and love they give. I can get a little mouthy when I am tired and want to snuggle – my foster mom says it’s the puppy in me and I will grow out of it.

I’m still confused as to why the cats won’t play with me. I chase them, but only because I want to play – I’m not trying to be mean to them.

I get really riled up when people come to the front door, and bark like crazy. My foster parents are trying to help me learn that people are friends and not scary.

I am doing much better at walking on a leash and not getting distracted by other dogs or people. My foster parents talk me walking on trails and in the park, and I love it.


To apply to adopt Aspen, please complete an application under “Adopt”










Aspen is a blue merle female.. 11 mos. old and 35 lbs. She will be vetted and evaluated by her foster home in Austin.. Aspen should be available for adoption near the end of November.

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