Rip, STAR # 1811


Rip, STAR # 1811

Rip #1811 quickly worked his way from the shelter and into the hearts of his foster home and he gets to stay!  He’s Amy’s shadow (as shown in photo) and gets along great with the family’s Fur Pack (LtR – Rocket, Louie, Delilah and Jet).  Thank you, Amy and David for making such a great commitment to Rip as we know he needs continued weight loss and then very focused work to help alleviate and attempt to repair joint pain and damage from years of obesity.  We look forward reading about his progress!





Rip was a stray brought in at the Pflugerville shelter.  He’s roughly 4-5 years old and when he came to us, he was 50lbs!  Now around 44lbs and going down…

Rip is a low-energy, snuggle bug!  We suspect he may have some joint tenderness or damage due to obesity – currently, he cannot manage stairs and does not participate in any high-impact activities.  He’s a perfect companion for anyone who lives a low-key lifestyle. Short walks to smell the roses are wonderful for his mental stimulation and weight loss.

He’s down to 44 lbs and needs to lose quite bit more. He will likely feel much better at a healthy weight so his new home will need to be committed to helping him with a good diet and exercise.

At first, he was shy and reserved, but has time has gone on, his personality is out and he’s more joyful and playful.  Zero signs of any aggression, gets along with the other dogs in the house and is fascinated by the indoor cats.

Upon arriving at a STAR foster home – priorities included a grooming, neuter and weight loss plan – and he’s doing great – and foster mom says “so handsome”.

He is not crate trained (working on it), and instead will just sleep as close to foster mom as possible on the floor.  He’s been left unattended in the house for approximately 3 hours and he hasn’t bothered anything or had any accidents.

Rip sticks to his person like glue.  He gets very animated when other family members come home, but immediately goes back to his person.  Super velcro, loyal boy.

So far, he does not play with toys or the other dogs – though the other dogs in the home are bigger and he may be too intimidated.  He will play with his humans and especially loves to play chase with daughter.

He’s terrific on the leash and an absolute joy to foster!  His foster home is in Austin.










Beautiful older guy from the Pflugerville Shelter.. Rip is 5-7 years old and definitely needs a diet at 55 lbs.  He is fully vetted and will be evaluated by his foster home in Georgetown.. He should be available for adoption around the end of March.

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