Miss LaPorte/aka Missy, STAR # 1247


Miss LaPorte/aka Missy, STAR # 1247

Full of energy one year old girl from the LaPorte shelter. She may have met her match in more ways than one. Amy is a vet and Ian likes to jog and they all will live in College Station. Many thanks to the Hart family for loving Missy and teaching her how to live with a family.

Available Dog Miss LaPorte/aka Missy, STAR 1247
She’s back !!! The young couple that adopted Missy has returned her because they both work and feel she would be better off not left alone all day.. She is definitely a young puppy and is going to require lots of exercises and most importantly one on one attention and training.. Below is her bio written by her foster mom..“Meet Missy! She is a one-year-old black tri, who has loads of energy! Missy loves to play fetch with a tennis ball. She can’t quite catch it yet, but she runs after it with enthusiasm! Missy can jump incredibly high and I think she would excel at agility. She is eager to please and is incredibly smart. She is still a puppy and can be taught to do so many things. Because she is still a puppy, she also enjoys finding shoes, remotes, stuffed animals, and socks and takes them for adventures around the house. She is not destructive, just very curious. We have Nyla bones scattered throughout the house and are quick to switch out things she is not allowed to chew on for things she is allowed to chew on. She is a quick study and has learned easily. We have all learned to put away our shoes! She checks out the counters in the kitchen and we are working on that. We keep her crated during the day when no one is home and that way she can’t get in too much trouble. She sleeps out at night with my dogs and has only chewed a few things like a colored pencil and a plastic hanger that had been left where she could get them. That was a one-time occurrence and she has never chewed furniture or pillows that are on the couch. I keep her active during the day so she sleeps very well at night! She does not have accidents in the house and will scratch at the door when she needs to go out. I take her out several times a day and play fetch for at least 10 minutes each time. We play fetch for longer in the morning and in the evening. She would love to go for walks and meet lots of new people!

Missy is a great snuggler. She adores my kids and cuddles with them. She jumps a bit when she hasn’t been outside for a while, but she calms down pretty quickly. She responds very well to praise but will completely ignore you if you correct her. She will stop everything and come to you if she expects to get scratches on her back when she gets there.

She loves to play with other dogs and having another dog in the home she goes to would be a plus. They can chase each other and burn off a little of that puppy energy!

All in all, Missy is a fabulous girl and with a little instruction, she could take on the world!!”

If you would like to meet Missy, please fill out an application on our website. Her foster home is in the Woodlands.

New Dog Miss LaPorte/aka Missy, STAR # 1247
One-year-old black tri female was an owner surrender at the La Porte Shelter. She will be vetted and evaluated by her foster home in the Woodlands. This one has lots of energy.

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