Lovie, STAR # 1547


Lovie, STAR # 1547

Small black tri female from the Rockport shelter.. will now have a forever home with Marki and John in Bellaire.. Thanks to Jay for the home visit and huge thanks to Terry and Zee for fostering..
Lovi is a very appropriate name for this wonderful 2-3 year old aussie, as she would like nothing better than to lay by your side & be petted. She also will let you know not to stop. She gives kisses to everyone, even times when you are not expecting it and likes to lick, your hand, arm or leg.  She is also very talkative/expressive with a wide range of moans and groans as she tries to tell you something, like how much she is enjoying being loved on or talk back, if you talk to her.
She is house and crate trained and walks on the leash without pulling ( but only after we get out the door though). Lovi gets along fine with other dogs and is not aggressive or overly protective, but she does like to play rough especially with her foster sister. She loves dog toys, especially ones she can chew on and tear up plus she must must have 2 or 3 by her, as her attention span is short and/or she gets bored. Being sneaky, she sometimes will get a kleenex out of the trash.  I’ve learned to make sure the lid on the food storage is latched, or she helps herself, but Bella taught her that!
She loads up and rides in the car and gets excited when I get the leash out because “we get to go”. Not much interested in the frizbee or retrieving the ball, but will play fetch with a stick. She likes to chew on tennis balls and has already split one open.
Lovi has become less of a velcro dog, now that she ’s been here 3 weeks, but if she is in another room and I get up to do something, here she comes to check it out. We have not encountered any cats yet, but has noticed the few squirrels that are out, so she would probably go chase it. Lovi is not an overly active dog, but like most Aussies and being young, she would benefit from more exercise/tasks.
Lovi is another wonderful STAR dog, waiting for her new family to adopt her.
Lovi is fully vetted and microchipped..She weighs approx. 40 lbs.  Her foster home in the Houston Heights..
If you would like to meet Lovi, please go to our website, read about Adoption and submit an application.. If
you already have one, please Contact Us on the website or PM the Facebook page..









Lovie is a black tri female.. 39 lbs. from the Rockport Shelter. She has been fully vetted and microchipped.. Shelter said 10 mos., vet says 3 years??? Somewhere in between.. we’ll figure her age out.. Her foster home is in the Houston Heights .. She will be evaluated and most likely be available near the first week in March..

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