Goose, STAR # 1643


Goose, STAR # 1643

We love the Blackwell family.. They are ready to begin lessons with Goose aka Zeus.. He will be the perfect playmate for his new sister, Zona.. Many thanks to Jane for transporting Zeus, to the Messingers for the home visit  and especially to Julie for fostering him..





Goose is ready to go.. His foster home thinks it’s time for him to be adopted and on to the business of training and settling into his forever home. Below is his complete bio furnished by his foster mom..

If you are interested in meeting Goose, please go to the website, read about Adoption and submit an application.. If you already have one, reach out thru the Contact Us.

“Goose is a 1 year old sweet boy with the typical energy level and ADHD of a young Aussie. He’s very affectionate and keen to explore new things. Goose continues to make great progress every day in his foster home – especially since he now is spending the majority of day time out of his kennel vs. in, getting lots of exercise in the yard, and on walks, and socializing with my 3 Aussies and humans (men and women, kids and adults). In short, he’s a very attentive dog – who has all the potential to be a wonderful companion.

What I love:

Sweet disposition
Gorgeous coat, sweet face and brown eyes to melt your heart with his cute head tilt
Gets along well with my dogs (though they will not play him at his high energy level – they are older/slower)
Very playful and inquisitive
Sleeps well all night in his kennel
Will kennel during day fairly easily and does not fuss or bark while in his kennel (he’s sometimes not a fan of having to go in)
Responds well to a commanding voice (especially a male voice)
Knows his basic commands (sit, stay, shake, down)
Was great in public – took him to Home Depot and while he was a little ADD – he behaved very well for a first trip out
Rode very well in car both in a kennel and then in back seat not in kennel
When all is calming down in the house for the evening – he’s a snuggler!

What he needs work on:

Walking on leash (we are working on staying by side and not pulling – he does pass by other dogs/people with excellent behavior)
Coming into the house (he’s often not ready for play time to be over)
When he is in play mode (or first out of the kennel) – he is very focused on fun and less on structure. It takes a bit to get his attention and in control.
Relaxing in the house (he’s up at every little sound)
Learning to stay down, not jump on others
Returning the ball (he likes to run and get it – but not necessarily bring it back to you). He enjoys “keep away”
He’s on occasional counter-surfer (tall enough to put front paws on the counter) – but is not a begger at the table and it’s more inquisitive than anything else

More things to know about him:

He loves to chase birds and squirrels
He’s fast… really fast!
He loves his stuffed animal toys and will fall asleep with them in his mouth
He loves to play soccer with his big red ball
His past home says he was destructive when left alone – so while he’s still in puppy stage, best he not be left alone outside of his kennel until he gains trust (after having him a week, while I work at my desk – he sleeps at my feet)
He got a bath and while he was not happy about it- he tolerated it fine
He has not been tested with cats – but my guess is he’d be inquisitive and chase them
Past home says he was a barker, but I’ve not seen an unusual amount – when he’s excited or when he’s trying to get the others to play with him – he barks. Duh!
I do notice he’s head shy – like maybe he expects to be physically punished – but he does not come back with aggression (kindness = trust and we’ve made great progress)
I have fed him both meals and treats alongside my other dogs and I have not seen any good aggression
He is initially very weary of some strangers (he quickly likes men) – but when given time and space he’ll approach and then ignore

Where I think he’d do best:

Home with another/other younger dogs that want to play, run, and wrestle or a very active couple or young person.

Note – my dogs are older and he’ll pester them to play much to their dismay – a little barking ensues, but not aggressive

Older kids looking for a playful dog due to his energy level..

A place that wants to teach him tricks – he’s so attentive and quick – I think he’d make a great agility dog or even a show-off at the park

Important – kindness and trust has helped him to behave better in the house and when taking instruction. He’s a moldable lump of clay!”












One year old self blue merle male.. 45 lbs., family works long hours and he is destructive alone outside.. so we will find him inside 🙂 Puppy that will need a person and some training.. Will be vetted and evaluated in foster home in Austin. Goose should be available around the first of May..

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