Charlie II, STAR # 1514


Charlie II, STAR # 1514

Our really nice puppy, Charlie has been adopted by the Eide family of College Station.. He already loves his new brother, Red.. Thanks to Elaine for bringing us Charlie and to Liz and Matt for fostering him..

> Hi, I’m Charlie and my foster family says that I am a terrific puppy.  I am a red tri male, 6 months old and approxiamately 40 lbs.  I love my toys, humans and foster siblings.  I love to play and love to cuddle – what more could anyone want?  I’ll let my foster parents tell you all the boring stuff, like how I’m house broken
and cratetrained, current on my vaccinations and microchipped.   The only thing you need to know is that I am cute, sweet and looking for a forever home!

> Charlie’s foster family says:
> Charlie is one of the easiest puppies we have fostered.  He loves to go on walks, car rides and hang out with the family.  He will happily sit next to you on the couch or at your feet and chew on his toys.  At night, he sleeps a full 8 hours quietly in his crate.  He has learned to go to the door when he needs to go out, although he has forgotten a couple times in the weeks that he has been with us. 
> Charlie will bark if someone comes into the house, but quickly warms up to the person.  He has been great on walks – we go to a busy park every day so he has lots of chances to meet strangers and other dogs.

> As a smart puppy, Charlie needs someone willing to take him to training to capitalize on his intelligence.  He will easily be trained as he is very human focused.  He also loves his treats and knows to sit immediately when the treat box come out.  Playing tug and chase with our older male Aussie is great fun, and he is respectful of our elderly female.
If you are interested in meeting Charlie, please go to the website, read about Adoption
and submit an application.. Charlie’s foster home is in San Antonio..







NEW DOG.. Charlie II, STAR # 1514

Gift for an eight year old.. 5 mo. old Charlie will be vetted and evaluated by his foster home in San Antonio.. He should be available around the end of November..

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