Bandit Baytown, STAR # 1516


Bandit Baytown, STAR # 1516

Our very popular boy, Bandit has been adopted by past adopters, the Crist family.. Bandit has learned a lot since
he came to us but he has a lot to learn yet.. Thanks so much to his foster homes, Jane and especially to Sue who taught him all he knows.. and still allowed him to find his forever family..
Meet Bandit…
He is a beautiful 18 mos. old 50 lb. blue merle male..
He is neutered, vaccinated, wormed, heartworm tested
and microchipped..
When Bandit arrived, he had a lot to learn and was lacking
in housemanners.. Now he is housebroken and will go out to
a specific area of the yard..
He is quiet all night in his crate.
Bandit loves two things.. Raven, his Aussie foster sister
and his toys.. in that order.. He and Raven play all day… so
a sturdy playmate would be great.. Bandit is not food aggressive
and waits politely for his treat.. Also no splashing in the
water bowl..
He loves his toys and
plays with them constantly.  He does fetch and return the ball.
Also he has not been destructive in any way..
More.. he rides nicely in the car and does not get sick.
He is not afraid of thunderstorms.
He will be a great watch dog .. Has a big bark but does
not use it excessively.
From his foster mom..
“I hope:  His new family has a good sized yard.
And the family is reasonably energetic because Bandit is.
Has a vibrant, playful female dog.
Will have room in their home to take his very large crate with him.  He goes into it regularly.  He is long and lean and is not cramped in his crate.  Who knows, he may eventually never even be in a crate except in emergencies.
Will please take Bandit to a great trainer and get his Good Citizen Certificate.  Bandit is very teachable.
I know that I cannot keep Bandit but I have to say:  I love this swell, sweet  dog.  He is so interesting and interested.  He is loving and kind.  And, never boring.      Bandit wears me out. “
Make no mistake.. as beautiful and delightful as Bandit is, this
dog is still a puppy and will be a project.. He has a lot to
learn and he has a lot of energy.. and he must have a way
to expend it.. Even if you have to throw the ball until your
arm falls off 🙂
If you would like to meet Bandit, please read about Adoption
on our website.. and submit an application.. If you already
have one, please Contact Us or Message the FB page..
Bandit’s foster home is in Kingwood..







NEW DOG.. Bandit Baytown, STAR # 1516

Bandit is an 18 mo. old blue merle male weighing approx. 50 lbs. Too much dog for small condo with no yard.. Bandit is being fostered in N. W. Houston.. He will be evaluated and learning manners for the next month and should be available the first week in December.

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